Конспекти уроків

Конспект відкритого уроку з англійської мови
 (під час методичного тижня в Сокальській спеціалізованій школі І-ІІІ ст.№3)
 Form 7                                                       Teacher: Ilnytska Z. S.
Subject: English Speaking Countries. Great Britain.
-        to activate the topic related lexis;
-        to develop pupils' skills in listening;
-        to practice speaking in dialogues and monologues;
-        to develop pupils' creative skills and imagination;
-        to encourage them to learn more about different countries;
-        to teach pupils to work in pairs and groups;
-        to  support pupils' motivation in learning English.

The Power Point Presentation, stripes with parts of sentences, British places of interest (photos), stickers with famous British people, CD , tape recorder.

                  P r o c e d u r e
 I.                Preliminaries.
Greeting and Aim
T. Good morning, pupils! How are you today?
Our topic is English Speaking Countries. Great Britain. We are going to do a lot of interesting tasks participating in common conversational exchanges about Great Britain, working in groups and pairs, listening to the CD about one of the British mysteries, playing a game. So to say we are going to revise what we already know about Great Britain and get to know some new information about the country using the topical vocabulary.

 Warming up
T. Well, let's start. First open your hearts to verses! I hope you'll enjoy it.
St. My Heart's In the Highlands
 Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
 The birth-place of Valour, the country of Worth;
 Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
 The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.

 My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
 My heart's in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
 Chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,
 My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.

 Farewell to the mountains, high-cover'd with snow,
 Farewell to the straths and green vallies below;
 Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods,
 Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.
 My heart's in the Highlands, &c.

T. Say as many words concerning our topic as possible. Now, word combinations, please.
    St.1, 2, 3 …

 II.              Main Part
  1. T. Complete the following sentences. Choose cards of your favourite colour. You'll read
the parts of sentences and you have to complete them. (the sentences are about geographical position, climate, weather, symbols and holidays of Great Britain). The task is followed by slides.
a)     The UK consists of three parts …
b)     England lies … , its capital is …
c)     Scotland lies .., , its capital is …
d)     Wales lies …,, its capital is …
e)     The population of Great Britain is …
f)      Scotland is the land of …
g)     … is the largest and the richest country of Great Britain.
h)     Wales is the country of …
i)      The largest cities are …
j)      The Irish population is divided into two groups: …
k)     The climate on the island is …
l)      The weather …
m)   The longest rivers are …
n)     The highest mountain is …
o)     Saint Patron of England is …
p)     St. Patron of Scotland is …
q)     St. Patron of Wales is …
r)      St. Patron of Northern Ireland is …
s)     The symbol of England is …
t)      The symbol of Scotland is …
u)     The symbol of Wales is …
v)     The symbol of Ireland is …

  1. Work in groups.
T. You know a lot about Britain. What about its places of interest? (Slides) Name them.
Each group gets / chooses one picture and speaks on it.

  1. Listening.
A) Pre-listening task: (Slide - Stonehenge)
T. Pupils, do you know what it is.
Students' ideas …
T. You are right / wrong. It's Stonehenge.
Where, when, how was it built?

B) While-listening task: (Slide) Work in pairs.

T. Listen and find the necessary information.
- What is it?
- Where is it situated?
- When was it built?
- How was it built?
- Who built it?
- What does it mean?
What is Stonehenge?
      Ancient stone circles are found all over Great Britain. They were constructed thousands
of years ago. The stone circles of Stonehenge in Wiltshire are the most famous, and they are a popular tourist attraction.

      Guide   Welcome. I’m going to tell you about the history of Stonehenge before we begin
today’s tour. Stonehenge has suffered from time and weather, but it’s still very impressive. Over the years many of its stones have been removed. Others have been damaged by visitors, so in 1978 a fence was erected round the site to keep people away from the stones.
Kim     Excuse me, but when was it built?
Guide  Stonehenge was started in the Stone Age, over 4000 years ago. We don’t know
      when it was finished. Some of the stones were transported hundreds of miles.
            Mark   But how were the stones moved? Well, that’s a mystery. It was long before horses were brought to Britain. There are other mysteries, too. How were the stones cut and shaped without metal tools? And were the smaller ones placed across the big ones?
            Jenny   It’s amazing. Why was it built?
            Guide   That’s the greatest mystery of all. Some people believe that Stonehenge was a sacred place. Others believe it was a giant calendar. Nobody knows for certain. We can be sure that it was built for a very important purpose because thousands of people worked all those years to build it. Perhaps the mystery of Stonehenge will be solved one day by students like you.

C) Post-listening task: (Slide)
T. Listen to the text once more and match (say) if the following sentences are true or false.
1. Ancient stone circles are found all over the world.
2.  Stonehenge is a very popular tourist attraction.
3.  Stonehenge has suffered from time, weather and tourists.
4.  The history of stone circles started hundreds of years ago.
5.  The stones were transported from Greece.
6.  Some people believe that Stonehenge was a big clock.
7.  The mystery of Stonehenge will soon be solved.
8.  Stonehenge is situated in Wiltshire.

  1. Writing. (Slide – Passive Voice, Present, Past and Future Simple)
T. Now a piece of grammar. What is Active / Passive Voice?
Sts. …in the active voice there is a subject who fulfils the action, in the passive voice object is more important.
T. Great! Now three pupils go to the blackboard and write the formation of Present, Past and Future Simple Passive.

Present  Simple
Past Simple
Future Simple
is          V3,  V-ed
           V3 , V-ed
shall be
                  V3 , V-ed
will be

T. Well done! Let's have some practice. Write down the following sentences in the Passive Voice. (Slide)
1. Many tourists visit Stonehenge every year.
2. Thousands of people transported stones to the site.
3. Archaeologists will solve the mystery of Stonehenge one day.
4. The pupils will write reports next week.
5. We read an interesting text yesterday.
6. Sometimes people make mistakes solving some problems.

  1. Game "Famous People" (Slides)
T. Now let's play a little. The game is called "Famous People". You get stickers with the names of British famous people on your forehead. You don’t see it but your classmates do. They describe a person or give information about it and you have to guess who it is.

Stickers: Elizabeth II, William Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, Beetles, Princess Diana, Freddie Mercury, David Beckham, Michael Rooney, Marilyn Monroe, Robert Burns …

III. The Summary.

Recollecting and estimation
T. I hope it was an interesting lesson. Did you like it?
What was the most interesting? What was new for you?

Your marks are …

-        To revise the words;
-        To do Ex. 4(a,b) p. 53

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